New Zealand is using a system of emissions budgets to meet legislated 2050 emission reduction targets.
- An emissions budget is the cumulative amount of greenhouse gases that can be emitted over a certain period.
- An emissions reduction plan sets policies and strategies for meeting the emissions budgets and sets the direction for climate action.
The following documents include the relevant submissions and reports that makeup a timeline of work starting in March 2021.
Relevant documents

Second Emissions Reduction Plan
December 2024
Ministry for the Environment published New Zealand's second Emissions Reduction Plan.

Submission on Second Nationally Determined Contribution
December 2024
HortNZ supported a strong international climate change target which supports diversification to horticulture as a low emissions land use.
PDF, 396 KB.

Submission on New Zealand's Second Emissions Reduction Plan
August 2024
HortNZ advocated for horticulture's place in New Zealand's emissions reduction strategy as a low-emissions land use.
PDF, 392 KB.

Submission on counting international transport emissions
May 2024
HortNZ argued that New Zealand should not include international transport emissions in our net-zero target until green shipping and aviation alternatives are domestically available.
PDF, 521 KB.

Climate Change Commission Advice on Second Emissions Reduction Plan
December 2023
The Climate Change Commission advised the governemnt on its second Emissions Reduction Plan 2026-2030.

Submission on Climate Change Commission report
June 2023
HortNZ sought support for horticulture as a low emissions land use and for decarbonising covered cropping/horticulture-related transportation.
PDF, 830 KB.

Submission on Emissions Reduction Plan
June 2022
HortNZ submitted to the Select Committee on the first emission budgets and the Emissions Reduction Plan.
PDF, 375 KB.

Emissions Reduction Plan
May 2022
Ministry for the Environment published New Zealand's first Emissions Reduction Plan.

Emissions budgets
May 2022
Ministry for the Environment published the first three emissions budgets, the first covering 2022-2025.

Submission on Emissions Reduction Plan Discussion Document
November 2021
HortNZ submitted on the draft emissions reduction plan.
PDF, 941 KB.

Climate Change Commission advice on Emissions Reduction Plan
May 2021
The Climate Change Commission report advised the government on its first three emissions budgets and its Emissions Reduction Plan 2022-2025.

Submission on Climate Change Commission report
March 2021
HortNZ submitted on the Climate Change Commission's draft advice on the government's Emissions Reduction Plan.
PDF, 2.9 MB.