21 December 2020
Repeated requests for independent fruit and vegetable retailers to be permitted to be open under Alert Level 3 appears to have been successful.
18 December 2020
A temporary extension period for overseas driver licence holders takes effect from Friday 18 December.
15 December 2020
An update on the latest changes to seasonal workers for horticulture, including RSE workers, SSE Visa holders, and MSD support options.
4 December 2020
Attracting Northlanders into horticulture is the goal for an expo and ‘speed-meet’ taking place next Wednesday in Kerikeri.
1 December 2020
Consumers are more and more concerned about how their food is grown, harvested, packaged and transported.
National Labour Coordinator, Jerf van Beek has left HortNZ. Jerf has made a significant and telling contribution over the past 14 years.
27 November 2020
The horticulture industry says it is appreciative of the Government’s decision to let 2000 Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) workers from the Pacific into New Zealand under strict quarantine and employment…
26 November 2020
Accommodation Thornhill Horticultural Contracting Ltd offers fulltime, year-round employment, in conjunction with accommodation and pastoral care.
21 November 2020
Norm Carter and Dame Patsy Reddy. Photo: alphapix. nz The winner of the inaugural Ahuwhenua Trophy Excellence in Māori Horticulture Award 2020 is Te Kaha 15B Hineora Orchard.
11 November 2020
Horticulture New Zealand – which advocates for New Zealand’s 6000 plus fruit and vegetable growers – is keen to work with the new Government to ensure the industry can continue…