It’s getting ridiculous out there

22 September 2022

I have been associated with the horticulture industry for more than 20 years. Our industry has had its up and downs but there’s always been light at the end of the tunnel. That is, we’ve worked together and with government to work out what to do and then we’ve got on with it. 

It’s been unrelenting for growers for several consecutive years. They have been under immense and compounding pressure, and are now operating beyond resilience. The Government needs to really understand the risk in this situation, not only economically but in human wellbeing terms.   

The Government must get in behind making it as easy as possible for people to come and work in New Zealand. There is no other way to solve the country’s chronic labour shortage. 

Technology can’t solve the challenge in the short medium term. All technology can currently do is increase people’s productivity. It cannot fully replace people. For example, the world over, broccoli is harvested by hand. Why? Because it’s the most efficient way to do it.

The New Zealand horticulture industry is the envy of the world. This is thanks to the dedication and investment of the industry over decades. At the moment, thanks to the shortage of labour and impact on quality, Brand New Zealand is under pressure, and at risk is our reputation and position in the world’s markets. 

What we are talking about here is losing billions of dollars in overseas revenue – revenue that keeps our country and regional economies afloat. 

We need the Government to better understand our industry and work with us to ensure that New Zealand Inc maintains its competitive advantage, in a changed and changing world. 

Our current challenge is quite simple: we just do not have enough labour. 

But yes, we are not alone in this. Indeed, the entire world is suffering from a labour shortage. It’s just that New Zealand is behind the eight ball, with countries like Australia making it far easier for people to go and work there, let alone for businesses to do business. 

New Zealand is a great country with so many advantages. We have always struggled with our small population and distance from markets, but the quality of our produce has always shone through and won us market share. 

Without labour, our quality will continue to decline.