‘No rest for the wicked’

14 December 2022

As Government Ministers and officials and others in similar roles gear up for a Christmas break, it is not lost on HortNZ that for most growers, this is a busy time of the year and as the various harvests get underway, things get even busier.

Few people sitting down to Christmas dinner would toast the growers for the roast vegetables and vegetables in the salads, or the strawberries and kiwifruit on the pav and in the fresh fruit salad.

Furthermore, because the Government is in a rush, Ministers and officials are cutting short their breaks, to get through all the policy changes that are underway, before electioneering starts in earnest.

This is a dangerous and short-sighted approach, given the fundamental and complex nature of most of the changes. For example, consultation on the hundreds of pages of legislation to replace the Resource Management Act is supposed to finish on 30 January 2023, and the Recognised Seasonal Employer (RSE) policy review will be at its peak in the middle of the apple and kiwifruit harvests.

In my December 2022 NZGrower and The Orchardist column, I thanked all the growers who engage, question and work with the various horticulture teams on the numerous topics put to us by the Government. I also encouraged you to continue to engage with us and provide your thoughts and feedback.

We know that this is a big ask but we have no control over the Government, I am afraid. And unfortunately, in the lead up to the start of electioneering in mid-2023 or a bit later, the situation is going to get worse.

We will do what we can to streamline our requests. We will also continue to get out and meet as many of you in person to get your feedback directly.

But over the next few weeks, please carve out as much time as you can to take a break and spend time with family and friends. And let’s hope for everyone’s sake – whether you’re a grower or a holiday maker – that the weather is settled and throws no curve balls.